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Physician Publications

CSNF Featured in NCODA PQI Article

By May 17, 2021No Comments

“There is a lot of information out there for every single drug, so it is definitely beneficial to have the information in a consolidated format that anyone on the team can use.” – Alexander Stanley, RPhT, CPhT

“While in the infusion chair, patients will tell the nurses things they do not think about with the physician. When they are with the doctor, they want to discuss the state of their cancer and forget about things like neuropathy and diarrhea. When they get in the chair they are more relaxed.”  – Rita Lyles, RN, ASN


Bijoy Telivala, MD


Rita Lyles, RN, ASN

Southside, Practice Manager

Kristie Fox, PharmD

Clinical Pharmacist

Alexander Stanley, RPhT, CPhT

Lead IV Pharmacy Technician

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